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Date Filing Type Filing Description Download / View
December 10, 2020 SC 13G Statement of Ownership
December 2, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
November 25, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
November 12, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
November 5, 2020 10-Q Quarterly Report
November 5, 2020 8-K Current report filing
November 3, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
September 25, 2020 8-K Current report filing
September 24, 2020 S-8 Securities Registration: Employee Benefit Plan
September 15, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
August 5, 2020 10-Q Quarterly Report
August 5, 2020 8-K Current report filing
August 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
August 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
August 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
August 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
August 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
August 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
August 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
July 22, 2020 DEFA14A Additional Proxy Soliciting Materials (definitive)
July 22, 2020 DEF 14A Proxy Statement (definitive)
July 8, 2020 10-K Annual Report
July 1, 2020 8-K/A Amended Current report filing
July 1, 2020 8-K Current report filing
June 19, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 19, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 19, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 19, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 17, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 17, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 17, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 17, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
June 9, 2020 SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership
May 29, 2020 SD Specialized Disclosure Report
May 28, 2020 8-K Current report filing
May 19, 2020 8-K Current report filing
May 4, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
April 6, 2020 8-K Current report filing
April 3, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
April 3, 2020 3 Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership
March 23, 2020 8-K Current report filing
March 17, 2020 8-K Current report filing
March 6, 2020 8-K Current report filing
February 14, 2020 SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership
February 13, 2020 4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership
February 13, 2020 SC 13G Statement of Ownership
February 12, 2020 SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership
February 5, 2020 10-Q Quarterly Report
February 5, 2020 SC 13G Statement of Ownership
February 5, 2020 8-K Current report filing

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Jennifer Davis, VP of Investor Relations

Mairead O’Brien, Senior Investor Relations Associate



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